Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Theme Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theme Relationships - Essay Example As well, the textual concepts of the way in which meaning and historical belief are reconciled provides context for the story. The development of â€Å"The Garden of Forking Paths† creates an understanding of the connection and relationship of history to literature as it explores textual complexities that are defined though specified time and place. The protagonist of the story â€Å"The Garden of Forking Paths† is a man who is trying to prove a point through misguided actions. Dr. Tsun is a man who is a participant and a spectator of World War II. He has been recruited by Germany to spy on Britain for them in order to find an artillery station. He doesn’t do it because he believes in the cause or because he is being paid well to do it, but he betrays Britain because he wants to prove to his German overseers that an Asian man has the intelligence to obtain the information. Tsun says â€Å"I did it because I sensed that the Chief somehow feared people of my race - for the innumerable ancestors that merge within me. I wanted to prove to him that a yellow man could save his armies† (Borges, 2006, p. 56). ... The story â€Å"The Garden of Forking Paths† was published in 1948 in English within Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Bloom, 2004). For most of Borges early life during the first quarter of the twentieth century, he would have been aware of a dependence that his country had on other countries for economic stability. Having lived in Switzerland and able to travel to countries in Europe, his perspective on the lack of industrial growth within his own country would have been informed and influential. Just previous to his birth, independence had been taken by the Latin countries, separating them from their Spanish rulers (Craig et al, 2009). Therefore, during his early life, Borges would have come to understand the conflicts and instability that follow when a country begins to exist independent of a nation that is more developed and has greater power. Having established political independence, the search for economic independence and political stability made Latin America a place that was highly volatile and often discriminated against for its still developing infrastructure during the early twentieth century. Therefore, in writing about a man who is conflicted over the attitudes of others to the point that he commits a damaging act against a nation to prove the intellect and capability of his people and of himself, may reflect a need that Borges may have had in proving that the people of his own nation were likewise intellectually capable. In making the protagonist an Asian man, he touches upon an imposed ’otherness’ that is commonly associated with Asian cultures and imposed upon third-world nations (Naficy & Gabriel 1993). In understanding the alienation of his own culture through lowered levels of industrialization and undeveloped political

Monday, October 28, 2019

Distribution of Power within the Political Community

Distribution of Power within the Political Community In Max Webers Distribution of Power within the Political Community, he discusses three concepts: class, status and parties. Weber begins by arguing power is the fate of men that try to grasp their will, even against that of others within the same society. He discusses two types of power: economic and social. Economic being the ability to determine what is to be done with materials and commodities, regarding production, consumption, etc. Social power overlaps with economic power, but also includes legal and political power. This concept, however according to Max Weber means, the way in which social honor is distributed in a community between typical groups participating in this distribution.(247). Therefore, the distribution of power within a community is based on three important aspects: class, status, and parties. This paper will summarize Webers main points; include a comparison of ideas with an author previously discussed in lecture, and my interpretation of what Max Weber is argu ing in his 1914 excerpt. Sociologist Max Weber first begins his article by discussing class. When identifying class there are three points Weber outlines. These points consist of 1) a specific casual ingredient of peoples fate (in terms of living conditions, materialistic possessions to see the level of power and wealth one has) among various actors, 2)is based on economic interests and wealth, and 3) is represented under the conditions of the labour market. Therefore, class situation ultimately signifies a situation where people are found with the same characteristics in regards to class. According to Weber, in society, there are two types of people, property owners and property-less. Quite apparent would be the fact that property owners are of course privileged, while the property-less live day-to-day trying to sell their services in the market. Wages and skill level are dependent on the service being provided. This depends on communal action (oriented on basis of shared belief or affiliation). In oppositi on, societal action deals with adjusting ones interests-not to sense a shared purpose, but to recognize shared interests. In order for either action to occur, everyone has to be familiar with the differences between wealth and opportunity, but must be seen as a result of property distribution and economic power. In the excerpt it says something along the lines of class antagonism is a simple state of affairs that has frequently been decisive for the role of class situation has played in formation of political parties. The second aspect Weber argues is status. Status, according to him means communities, unlike class. Status is defined as the likelihood that your fate is determined by social honor, also known as prestige. The common link of status group is a similar life style which is established based on wealth and income. According to Weber, there are social restrictions that are reflected in prestige-marriage patterns and residence. Rituals are a big deal within a caste. Members are prohibited from having any contact with any other group that is considered lower than that of their own-especially when the differences are ethnic. In caste structure, ethnic distinctions have become functional distinctions within the political association.(253) Weber also touches upon social stratification, which according to him, goes hand in hand with a monopolization of ideal and material goods or opportunities (253) Of course those stratified above others are more privileged and oppose the distribution of power that is regulated through the labour market and based on wealth. When economic stratification barely changes, changes regarding status tend to increase. Thirdly, Max Weber discusses parties. Parties as said by him are organized power. They are a mixture of both class (economic order) and status (social order). Parties aim to influence social action and aim to enforce their goals within both a legal and political realm. A party is never just associated with a class situation or status. A party puts in a great effort in order to achieve political control, and it all depends on how a community is classified-by status or class. Though this paper is about Max Weber, it is important to compare sociologists to one another based on their concepts and ideas. One author discussed in lecture was Karl Marx. Marx and Webers theories are not quite different from one another. Marx also believed that classes refer to economy but in a different sense. Marx saw class as being connected with means of production, in contrast Weber linked class to the factors previously discussed: prestige, wealth, and most importantly power. Both men had agreed that the more skills one has, the higher there wage is. Weber however, supposed that the differences in peoples wages suggested ones material conditions, hence why there are different types of social action. Also, Marx saw the divisions of class as an important source in society in regards to social conflict unlike Weber. In his article, Distribution of Power within a Political Community, one may accept as true what Max Weber had to say. In order for a political party to be formed, one must be wealthy, therefore prestigious, and ultimately have the power to dominate. Though one may face obstacles due to the fact that there are others competing for the same position who share the same status, or class, also known as communal action. Weber does an excellent job in distinguishing the differences among class and status, though when mixed may influence the formation of a political party. Unlike other authors discussed in lecture, Max Weber, I have found to be the easiest to comprehend and definitely agree with.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Code of Honor in the Epic of Beowulf :: Epic Beowulf essays

Beowulf: Code of Honor After fighting and winning many battles, Beowulf's life enters a new stage when he finally becomes king of his homeland, Geatland. Even in his old age, his code of honor still obligates him to fight against an evil, fiery dragon. For fifty years he has governed his kingdom well. While Beowulf is governing, the dragon "...kept watch over a hoard, a steep stone-barrow" (Norton 55). Under it lays a path concealed from the sight of men. Over centuries no one had disturbed the dragon’s kingdom until one day when a thief broke into the treasure, laid hand on a cup fretted with gold, which infuriated the dragon. "The fiery dragon had destroyed the people's stronghold, the land along the sea, the heart of the country" (Norton 57). Beowulf is an epic poem that was written in the late tenth-century, at the kingdom of the West Saxons. The two main characters are Beowulf, a young man; and Grendel, a furious dragon. Beowulf's world is a very violent society with wars as a dominant part of daily life. Dragons and monsters are a constant threat to the Danes and the Geats. Warriors are a necessity to this war-like society. Beowulf is a hero as well as a great, and honorable, warrior. After fighting and winning many battles, Beowulf's life enters a new stage when he finally becomes king of his homeland, Geatland. Even in his old age, his code of honor still obligates him to fight against an evil, fiery dragon. For fifty years he has governed his kingdom well. While Beowulf is governing, the dragon "...kept watch over a hoard, a steep stone-barrow" (Norton 55). Under it lays a path concealed from the sight of men. Over centuries no one had disturbed the dragon’s kingdom until one day when a thief broke into the treasure, laid hand on a cup fretted with gold, which infuriated the dragon. "The fiery dragon had destroyed the people's stronghold, the land along the sea, the heart of the country" (Norton 57). Beowulf prepares to fight a dragon with his thane, Wiglaf. Beowulf has no fear of the dragon, because he has fought many enemies that were much more ferocious. One example of Beowulf's great battles is the fight with Grendel. No one other than Beowulf is brave enough or strong enough to volunteer to fight Grendel.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Shakespeare Presents Helena Essay

Helena is clearly longing for something to make her like Hermia in hope that Demetrius would see some of Hermia in her. She is also jealous of Hermia’s beauty. It also shows us that she is insecure about her own appearance. The audience would’ve felt sorry towards her at this point as she is clearly devastated about Demetrius. A bit more into the play Helena expresses her confusion and betrayal towards Demetrius. â€Å"For ere Demetrius looked on Hermia’s eyne, / He hail’d down oaths that he was only mine. / And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt,/ So he dissolv’d, and showers of oaths did melt. In this metaphor Helena is saying that Demetrius had made so many promises to her like balls of ice (hail stones) but when Hermia came along he made broke them causing Demetrius’s promises to have melted. We feel sympathetic towards Hermia as Demetrius led Helena on, making all of these promises when only later he would break all of them. Desp eration is shown when Helena tells Demetrius about Hermia and Lysander’s plan to run away, betraying Hermia in the process. She is so desperate that she betrayed her best friend, Hermia. It was a bit hypocritical of her to betray Hermia and endangering their friendship like that when later on she accuses Hermia of throwing away their friendship when actually Hermia was stating the truth. â€Å"But herein mean I enrich my pain, / To have his slight thither, and back again. † In this quote it shows that Helena has come to the conclusion that Demetrius would never love her. So she would betray her best friend to just be pleased with by Demetrius but this doesn’t seem the case when you read later on in the play that Demetrius gets even more irritated with Helena. Helena is basically saying that even though it would pain her to see Demetrius chasing after Hermia she would still do it. At this moment the audience would’ve felt annoyed and sympathetic. The audience annoyed at Helena because she had ruined her best friend’s plan just to help her in her love life. This would be considered as selfish. However we would be sympathetic towards her as she has completely given up on being loved by Demetrius. However when her wishes are finally granted she doesn’t believe it creating a huge argument: â€Å"Wherefore was I to this keen mockery born? When at your hands did I deserve this scorn? † At this point Helena lets out all the insecurities, anger and sadness she’s ever been feeling. Her life for the last couple of months has been an emotional rollercoaster. â€Å"Is’t not enough, is’t enough, young man, / That I did never, no, nor never can/ Deserve a sweet look from Demetrius’ eye/ But you mu st flout my insufficiency? † The repetition that she uses suggests that she is so angry at Demetrius that she repeats her words; she’s so angry that she cannot think straight. The whole reason she’s angry is that she thinks that they are mocking her as Helena cannot believe anyone could possibly love her as she is so used to being rejected. If Demetrius couldn’t love her, who would? Her low self esteem also appears into her passage and her words. Helena feels confused at how anyone could ever like her and most of all outraged that her friends would mock and make fun of her. The audience feel humoured at this situation as Helena is claiming that Lysander and Demetrius don’t love her when actually they are in love with her to the point of madness. We also feel sorry towards her as she sees herself as a reject. At the end, when the confusion is solved and Helena finally has Demetrius she says some final words. â€Å"So methinks; / And I have found Demetrius, like a jewel, / Mine own, and not mine own. † In this metaphor she compares Demetrius to a jewel like she had been digging for a diamond and had finally found it. It shows how much Helena values Demetrius. At this point she finally realises that Demetrius actually does love her. At this point the udience would be feeling happy for Helena as she’s finally cheerful. However they might think that Demetrius doesn’t actually deserve Helena. In conclusion, Helena is showed as a heartbroken and desperate girl at the beginning then at the end she seems happy. The audience experience a range of emotions towards her, including sympathy, irritation and happiness. At the end of the play, we are likely to feel happy and satisfied because she finally has what she wan ts. Also throughout the whole play she is always depressed, sad or scolding herself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dunkin Donuts Marketing Plan Essay

Founded first as a restaurant called Open Kettle, it was later renamed to Dunkin Donuts in 1950 by William Rosenberg and Stephen So in Quincy, Massachusetts. Dunkin Donuts has become most famous for its donuts over the years, as well as their coffee. They have approximately 3,000 restaurants in the US and around the world, and sell 2.5 million donuts every day. Dunkin Donuts has evolved into one of Forbes magazine â€Å"Top 10 Global Fast-Food Chains†, and tops the lists of other noted industry websites and magazines. Recently, Dunkin Donuts has changed the way they want customers to think about them by incorporating the tag line â€Å"America Runs On Dunkin†, and adding new menu items, to their marketing strategy. This tag line was introduced to focus on their coffee being a cheaper, down home alternative to the more expensive competitor, Starbucks. This tagline focuses on the fact that Dunkin Donuts is a broader â€Å"beverage company† and gains most of it†™s profits from beverages. Read more: How many words in a 10-minute speech. A.Market Description While all of the food choices and beverage choices offered at Dunkin Donuts can appeal to any age, we feel it’s best to focus on college students at the University of Iowa right now. College students are known for pulling â€Å"all-nighters† to cram for their hardest midterm the next morning, or to write their 20-page research paper the night before it’s due. What’s more appealing than being able to get their cup of coffee, or favorite beverage to help stay awake than from Dunkin Donuts? Another reason we want to focus on targeting college students is because they are known to have unique schedules. They eat at odd times of the day, and are also looking for a range of snack foods, rather than full meals, to satisfy their cravings. There are currently no Dunkin Donut franchises on campus, but there was one just built in Coralville (neighboring town, 10 minute drive to the DD). This Dunkin Donuts only has a smaller target market, since it is not right in the college town and only students who have cars can travel to get their drinks and snacks. We want to integrate our franchise into one of the main buildings on campus to show students that purchasing our coffee is a better option; it is more affordable, easily accessible and offers a range of menu choices, something that competitors don’t do as well today. B.Benefits and Product Features The Iowa campus has offers many benefits of why Dunkin Donuts should open a store here. One of the key benefits that Dunkin Donuts offers is the diverse set of menu offerings. They have created an appealing menu for any time of year. For example, Dunkin’s coffee is served hot, frozen, or iced, every day of the year. Another key benefit that would help Dunkin Donuts be successful in Iowa City is the affordability. Dunkin Donuts is known to have different promotions going on that makes their products cheaper, and even when their promos aren’t happening, their coffee is still more affordable than Starbucks’s coffee (also located on campus). Now I want to talk about some of Dunkin Donut’s products. Product features are what sets your company apart from another, and it is important to point out that Dunkin Donuts has a wide variety of products. They serve hot, iced, frozen, and at home brewing products so that their products appeal to every type of customer. On the food side of products, there are both breakfast sandwiches and bakery sandwiches, bakery cooked goods, and even hash browns and oatmeal. Dunkin Donuts features many different products, which makes it a good place for any consumer to take their business. C.Product Review Dunkin Donuts provides a wide range of beverages and food items on their menu. First off, their beverages range from hot beverages, to iced beverages, to frozen beverages, and even to at home brewing beverages. In the humid, hot summers in Iowa City, students will be able to purchase their iced coffee or iced tea to cool off before class. In the freezing cold winters, students can warm up by purchasing their large latte or warm apple cider. If consumers in Iowa City are not coffee drinkers, they are able to opt to frozen â€Å"coolattas† in a variety of fruit flavors. Dunkin Donuts also offers a wide variety of bakery items and sandwiches on their menu. The bakery items are sure to capture any consumers taste cravings by offering their famous donuts, bagels, muffins, hash browns, and more. The sandwiches on the menu can be for breakfast, or lunch sandwiches. On the sandwiches, you can choose if you want your meat to be bacon, sausage, ham, Angus steak, or turkey sausage. They are served on any type of bakery item included on their menu. This shows there are so many options for sandwiches, and even ranging to a few vegan sandwiches with just eggs or spinach. As for lunch sandwiches, you can choose from ham, turkey, grilled cheese, chicken salad, chicken, and tuna salad. This proves that Dunkin Donuts will satisfy any college student’s food craving by appealing to everyone’s appetite and drink needs. D.Competitive Review On campus, competition is fierce for student business. The biggest competition in Iowa City is Starbucks. Starbucks appeals to students in the area because of their well-known, national brand name. They like to appeal to consumers by offering a premium blend of coffees, as well as smoothies, teas, and bakery items. Also, Starbucks is a known hotspot with free wireless Internet, which tends to bring in the typical college student looking for a place to study. On the other hand, Iowa City is well known for their local coffee shops. One of these locally owned competitors is The Java House. The Java House attracts older customers rather than students, but a good amount of students still take their business there. They are similar to any other coffee shop, offering different blends of coffees, as well as bakery items to eat. The Java House is known for their artwork and interesting atmosphere in their shops, which makes it stand out to a chain company. Two other local coffee shops are TSpoons and Capanna. They both attract a fair amount of students as well. Both of these shops offer students a refuge to study instead of going to the library and a good cup of joe, along with a quick snack. A last form of competition Dunkin Donuts would be competing with in Iowa City would be other fast food restaurants. Places like The Pita Pit, Jimmy Johns, and Which Wich all offer breakfast and lunch sandwiches for on the go college students. Jimmy John’s catch phrase is â€Å"Freaky Fast†, for example. When it comes to coffee and sandwiches, Iowa City has a good amount of competition in the area for Dunkin Donuts to compete with. III.SWOT Analysis A.Strengths Dunkin Donuts has many strengths in the way that they market their food and drinks. First, Dunkin Donuts has a wide variety of items for customers choose from. Not every coffee shop in the area has their range of drinks on their menu, as well as the amount of breakfast sandwiches and famous donuts on their menu. This aspect of Dunkin Donuts is a definite internal strength to help the company reach their objectives. Another strength Dunkin Donuts has is that they are a major global company. They have franchises in numerous other countries other than the United States, and most people around the world know the company’s name. This strength also helps the company be able to market on the television and signs on the street, which is a major advantage from competitors. Another strength is that there is strong brand loyalty within their customers. Just like their biggest competitor, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts has customers who love their service and products so much that they refuse to go elsewhere for their cup of coffee in the morning or snack in the afternoon. This sense of loyalty is what Dunkin Donuts has accomplished over the years and is a major marketing strength. B.Weakness Dunkin Donuts has a few internal weaknesses that have interfered with the company’s ability to reach their objectives. First: they have not developed into emerging economies. Introducing their franchises into emerging economies could make the company more profitable than they already are. A second weakness Dunkin Donuts has is limited market share growth due to increased competition from other sales in the industry. This limited market share growth shows that Dunkin Donuts is very competitive with others in the industry and is not growing their revenues as fast as others in the industry. One last weakness facing Dunkin Donuts is the struggles with franchise owners in different parts of the world. There have been numerous instances where Dunkin Donuts franchise owners have been sued by the company because of disagreements. These fights make the company look dysfunctional internally, and take their focus and dollars away from their customers. C.Opportunity Dunkin Donuts has many opportunities to make their company even more successful than it already is. One major opportunity Dunkin Donuts could do is introduce low calorie snacks to their menu. In recent years, consumers have started to feel the need to eat healthier and not eat at fast food restaurants as often as in past years. If Dunkin Donuts introduced a healthier side to their menu, they could gain many more customers. Another opportunity is to increase their market to newer countries and economies. The world is growing exponentially right now and a great thought to create more revenue would be to open franchises in these new, uprising countries. Another opportunity in today’s market to increase customers is to start using effective online marketing strategies. Life today is all about the cyber world, and almost every country around the world has access to the Internet or computers. As effective as television commercials and advertisements on billboards are, Dunkin Donuts could further their marketing plans by extending advertisements to cyber space. D.Threats In every market, there are external threats in the world that companies cannot control. One of the largest threats in the fast food world is the threat of customers moving to healthier ways of eating. The world has finally realized that greasy fries and sugary drinks are not going to keep you healthy. Dunkin Donuts has a fair amount of healthier options on their menu, but the majority of products are greasy, sugary, and calorie filled treats. If Dunkin Donuts realizes this threat, they could change their menu for the better to attract the health conscious customer. Another threat for this company is the recent increase in raw materials. Pricing is very important in a company, and with this increase in materials, the company has had to increase prices. This is not Dunkin Donut’s fault, but customers may see it in that way. Another huge threat is the constant competition from other cafes and local joints. In the Iowa City area, specifically, the number of local coffee shops outnumbers the large chain shops. Many consumers like the thought that they aren’t giving all their money to large franchises and prefer to take their business to the locally owned spots. If Dunkin Donuts finds ways to decrease these external threats, they could make their company even more successful than it already is. Strengths Wide range of products for consumers to choose from Global company Strong customer brand loyalty Opportunities Introduction of lower calorie menu Expand market to new countries and emerging economies Use of effective online marketing strategies Weaknesses Have not developed into emerging economies Limited market share growth due to competition Fights/suits with franchise owners Threats Trend of people eating healthier Increase in prices of raw materials makes menu prices higher Constant competition from local coffee and cafà © joints

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Puberty Blues is a non-fictional story based on the lives of the authors, Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey as they were teenage Essays

Puberty Blues is a non-fictional story based on the lives of the authors, Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey as they were teenage Essays Puberty Blues is a non-fictional story based on the lives of the authors, Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey as they were teenage Essay Puberty Blues is a non-fictional story based on the lives of the authors, Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey as they were teenage Essay Essay Topic: We Real Cool Puberty Blues was written by Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey. It was first published in 1979. This edition was published in 2002 by Pan Macmillan in Sydney; and reprinted in 2003. It is a non-fictional story aimed at 13-14 year old girls based on the lives of the authors, Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey when they were teenagers growing up in the Southern suburbs of Sydney. Throughout the novel, the main characters, Debbie and Sue, explore the treacherous expectations that peer pressure can place upon adolescents lives. It represents the importance of coming to the realization that creating morals and values of your own, whether male or female, is the most important thing that you will ever have to do. At just thirteen years of age Debbie would have done anything to become part of the popular group. If you werent in that crowd you were no one. After dealing with the mean and harsh treatments the popular group had displayed towards Debbie and her best friend Sue, they continued endeavoring to be accepted by the group. The reader can slowly see Debbie change her morals and values as the story progresses. Her family was no longer important to her, she continually disrespected their rules and appeared ignorant to any past ethical behaviors they had taught her. She became obsessive about status and risked everything to fit in. She began to ditch her old friends and began drinking, smoking and cheating in schoolwork. She knew that it was wrong but popularity was her main priority. She lost dignity in herself and respect from her family and began to believe it was acceptable to eat, sleep and breathe the boys expectations of her. Debbie began to feel nothing was worthwhile, life was boring and there was nothing to do. She kept on commenting on how great it would be to surf but everyone laughed it off as a joke and replied with a quick answer that girls dont surf. To cure her boredom, she began to take drugs with the boys and soon fell pregnant to her boyfriend, Danny. After looking everywhere to find hi m and tell him the news she finally found him in his room nearly passed out from taking so many drugs. This was when Debbie became more aware of the outside world again and how shed changed. She began to realize that all her peer group ever did was do things for the boys and that their only source of entertainment was sex, drugs, and surfing (the girls were their accessories who sat on the beach and minded their towels). She was sick of delivering food to the guys when they were ready for it and she was sick of never doing anything for herself. After spending a lot of time thinking about it, she finally told Sue how she felt. She wanted to do something about it and she knew what that was. After that day Debbie and Sue bought their very own surfboard. They surfed all day long and had never felt better, and although their group had disowned them straight away she didnt care anymore. She saw them as a minority group she once strived to be part of. Puberty Blues is written in first person. This displays a more personal connection between the character and the reader. The authors also project a sense of confidence within the characters about what was cool and what wasnt. For example, in the first few paragraphs the characters tell you what was cool, they told you the things you must do to become accepted and as they were speaking showed a sense of excitement at the thought of this. They spoke of the boys in a manner which suggested they were god like creatures who were so superior to them that it was wrong not to do anything that they said. The novel is written in simple language yet relates to mature themes such as sex, drugs, and popularity amongst school life which affect the targeted audience who are becoming interested in such ideas and concepts. The language gives the reader a feeling of connection between the text and the ideas, which they can relate to themselves. In the beginning of the novel Debbie spoke in an incoherent manner but as she began to realize her inanity, she became more articulate and competent at expressing a cogent outlook on teenage false perceptions of priorities in life which seem miniscule to the outside world, e.g. popularity. Because the author includes the main characters throughout the novel, and shows their changes and how they grow as people, the use of an epilogue is one of the most important parts of this novel. It shows some who die from drug overdose and others ending up in jail for crimes they have committed. It shows how important it is to make the right decisions without sounding lame to the intended audience. The paragraph which reflects the most change in Debbie is the last paragraph in the book (p.113). We climbed the sand hill at Wanda and looked back. There they were, a mass of black specks way out to sea. The surf had dropped. They sat astride their boards in the grey, flat water; waiting. I knew theyd be talking about their chicks. They always did, way out there when the waves werent working. Hey Deb, lets go get a milkshake Sue and I walked off. It shows that Debbie at last sees the boys as an overrated obsession. How theyre better off claiming independence rather then living up to other peoples expectations and it also shows that your true friends are the ones who will always be there.

Monday, October 21, 2019

GRANT Surname Meaning and Origin

GRANT Surname Meaning and Origin The origins of the Grant surname are uncertain, but the following theories are the most widely accepted: A nickname from the Anglo-Norman French graund or  graunt, meaning tall, large- derived, in turn, from the  Latin grandis- bestowed due to the individuals size, or to distinguish two bearers of the same personal name, often different generations within the same family (e.g. grant denotes the elder or senior).Clan Grant says that tradition suggests that the name comes from Sliabh Grianais - the moor above Aviemore, believed to be the first land in Scotland occupied by the Grant progenitors. Grant may also be a spelling variant of the German surname Grandt or Grant Surname Origin: Scottish, English, French Alternate Surname Spellings: GRAUNT, GRAWNT, GRANTE   Where in the World is the GRANT Surname Found? According to Forebears, the Grant surname is most prevalent in the United States (used by over 156,000 people), but most common in Jamaica (where the surname ranks as 10th most common) and Scotland (ranked 29th). Grant is also common in Guyana (46th), New Zealand (49th), Canada (88th), Australia (92nd) and England (105th). Historical surname distribution data from Scotland identifies the areas where Grant was most common in 1881 as Moray, where it was the most used name, as well as Banffshire (2nd most common), Nairn (6th), Inverness-shire (9th) and West Lothian (10th). WorldNames PublicProfiler identifies the Grant surname as being especially popular in Donegal, Ireland, as well as Australia, New Zealand and most of northern Scotland.   Famous People with the Last Name GRANT Ulysses S. Grant -  U.S. general and commander of the Union armies; 18th U.S. presidentCary Grant - British-American film actorHugh Grant - British actorAmy Grant - American singer-songwriterAnne Grant - Scottish poetJedediah Morgan Grant - leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsNatalie Grant - American singer-songwriter Genealogy Resources for the Surname GRANT Clan GrantExplore a wealth of resources made available by Clan Grant, including history, genealogy, gatherings, membership and more. Grant DNA ProjectJoin over 400 individuals with the Grant surname who are interested in combining Y-DNA testing with genealogical research to help identify various Grant genetic lines and ancestries. Trace your Scottish roots back to Scotland and beyond with the steps outlined in this Scottish genealogy guide. Learn how to locate your ancestors county and/or parish in Scotland, plus access vital records, census records and parish records in Scotland. Grant Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Grant family crest or coat of arms for the Grant surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. FamilySearch - GRANT GenealogyExplore over 2.9 million historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Grant surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website, hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GRANT Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts a free mailing lists for researchers of the Grant surname. - GRANT Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Grant. The Grant Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the popular last name Grant from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.    Back to  Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing effective marketing materials, Medtech Business - Emphasis

Writing effective marketing materials, Medtech Business Writing effective marketing materials, Medtech Business Medical technologies may cross language barriers, but words are the building blocks of a marketing message. Rob Ashton of Emphasis explains how mastering writing skills can help you target and influence the right people. Your company has created an exciting medical innovation. Lets say its a new technology that replaces faulty heart valves without the need for open-heart surgery. Its been patented and is ready to take the world by storm. Not only will it save lives, in the long run it will also save hospitals considerable time and money. The technology may be impressive, but convincing the relevant decision-makers to buy the product is easier said than done. As you know, healthcare is a fast-moving area and your innovation will be fighting for attention with the scores of new products, techniques and studies released every day. Your sales team will be promoting the benefits of the product in sales presentations and one-to-one meetings. You can pave the way by creating compelling marketing materials that will generate interest even excitement before those meetings take place. But simply making such material available wont guarantee that your message is heard. Most managers have a stack of reports, letters and e-mails to wade through on a daily basis. Reading a leaflet or letter on a new heart surgery technology may be the least of their priorities. Thats why your marketing materials need to be carefully crafted. They need to be written in language that prompts your reader to take action. A powerful, well-written document can make even the most harried managers sit up and take notice. It can convince them that they need your product. But it must address their needs, not yours. How can you write marketing materials that will really get your products noticed? Do the groundwork Whether youre writing a leaflet, a poster or web content, you need to prepare. Research your market fully before you start and make sure you understand all the challenges your prospects face. A nursing home will have different needs from an NHS hospital, for example. So avoid a one size fits all approach to your marketing. Keep your focus on the reader by asking yourself the following questions: What is the document about? Who will read it? How much do they already know about the subject? What do they absolutely need to know? How important is the subject to them? How interested are they in the subject? (Note that readers arent always interested in whats important to them. So you often need to make them interested.) Then grab a pen and paper and brainstorm all the ways that your product can help to meet your prospects challenges. Use the headings Who? What? Where? When? and Why? to help this process. Then use the information to write a set of powerful reasons why they should buy your product. Arrest the reader The seven steps below will help you to write effective leaflets, posters, sales letters and web content. Create a snappy headline Eye-scanning studies of website users by research body Eyetrack III have shown that people read only the first two words of a headline and ignore the introductory sections. So it is essential to create a compelling statement that will motivate people to read on. For example, a headline that reads Hospitals gain 20 more beds a week through nanotechnology is striking because of the first two words: hospitals are usually overcrowded, so this introduces a solution to a familiar problem. Find an angle Generate more interest by including facts and statistics that relate to the problems faced by your audience. Appeal to their logic and explain how your product makes a difference. For example, you could write: The new nanotechnology means patients spend 40% less time convalescing. Bite the bullet The Eyetrack III research also revealed that only one in six people actually read websites sentence by sentence. Naomi Baron, a linguistics professor at the American University in Washington DC, calls this the search and seize approach. Assuming that your readers will treat all your documents like this will help you to create clear written work. So include lots of bullet points and subheadings and use important words that your readers will be looking for. Make your writing as simple as possible, but dont be afraid to use jargon if youre certain your readers will understand it. Jargon can actually help to build rapport but its a fine balance between that and alienating some readers. Be active Use the active voice where possible. For instance, write You should notice a difference in three days rather than A difference within three days can be expected. Give proof Boost your credibility by using testimonials or endorsements where leading experts have spoken about the technology. Offer a next step Make sure you tell the reader what to do next. In a letter, you might ask them to call you for more information. Or a leaflet might direct them to your website. Keep it simple Always choose simple words over complicated ones. And if you cant say a sentence all in one breath, the chances are that its too long. Aim for a maximum of 1520 words per sentence. Mail mastery According to an Emphasis survey of 200 companies in the UK, senior managers say that at least a fifth of the e-mails they receive are poorly written. So remember to take as much care over your e-mails as you do with your other marketing materials. The first step is to create a descriptive subject line. For instance, Follow-up documents from 20 March meeting may be accurate but if your e-mail is designed to market a product, you need to be creative. Five ways hospitals can save 50 minutes a day should be intriguing enough to persuade a manager to open your e-mail. Structure your e-mail by following the SCRAP formula: Situation Start by explaining the situation (where they are). Complication Introduce the idea that theres a problem (why they cant stay there) they need to solve or a request they need to fulfil. Resolution State how you can resolve the problem or request. Its likely that your reader will be glad to see a practical, considered solution, whatever it is. Action Suggest what action the reader can or should take. Politeness End with a polite sign-off. Following this formula will help your readers to understand your message clearly. (You can apply the same principles to your follow-up letters.) It can be difficult to read lengthy documents on a PC. So if your message wont fit on one screen, use an attachment for the details. You can make the message easier to read by including subheadings. But take extra care with e-mails. Remember that its very easy for them to go viral. So only write what you dont mind having broadcast on the 10 OClock News. Hot news Having news reports or features appear in newspapers and magazines is an excellent way to build credibility with the people you want to influence. Press releases are the standard format for sending journalists news. But with so many in circulation, it can be difficult to get yours noticed. Journalists are also starting to bite back against releases that are poorly written, irrelevant to their needs or little more than thinly-veiled sales pitches. How do you get your press release to the top of the pile? The secret is to give journalists exactly what they want: a news story. The headline is the most important part of your document. Press releases can be very effective if you tie the headline to a topical event. For instance, Medical software helps Haiti earthquake victims is compelling because it ties the technology to a major global health crisis. And it presents a clear angle that makes people want to read on. Next, state the facts of the story. Get to the good stuff straight away, as journalists wont have time to wade through background information. Try to put the word today in the first sentence to show that its news. For example, you could write: Doctors implemented a patient database today in Haiti. If you cant say today then use the present perfect tense (Doctors have saved) rather than the past tense (Doctors saved) where possible, as the former implies something closer to the moment. After using the present perfect tense, use the future tense to show that you have your finger on the pulse. So you could write: Doctors will now be able to track patient progress 75% faster than before. Using figures in this way is very effective. But where possible, also include people in your document. So opt for One in four people will benefit rather than 25% will benefit. Finally, go back to your first sentence and ask yourself: So what? If you cant answer that, your message isnt compelling enough. Refine your document until youre convinced that its news that cannot be ignored. Think of writing marketing material as an investment. Dont be disheartened if a campaign doesnt immediately strike gold. Keep working on your writing style and aim to make it as punchy as possible. The more you practise, the more youll be able to write your way to marketing success. Rob Ashton is Chief Executive of Emphasis, the specialist business-writing trainers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Older staff often come with more life experience and a willingness to Essay

Older staff often come with more life experience and a willingness to work - Essay Example â€Å"If employers don’t act soon, they will fail to win the war for talent, as older adults will be relied upon as one of the most important sources of talent for the future workforce (Jan 2007). The global survey, which included 28,000 employers across 25 countries and territories, found employers in the UK are far ahead of their international counterparts, with higher percentage of respondents, respectively, working proactively to retain their older employees. But in Italy and Spain, only 6% have such strategies in place. In 19 of the 25 countries, retention strategies were more predominant than recruiting strategies for older workers. This may be because many of these countries have government legislation or programs in place to encourage employers to retain older workers (Paula 2007). The aim of this topic is to understand and learn more on the recruitment of old employees and the strategies used. We also review the benefits and challenges associated with having an older workforce in companies. We also discuss aging population and recommend what action organizations should take to ensure they have a ready supply of labor in the future. We are also going to review why age diversity pensions are decreasing in value and on the other people are becoming more likely to still have financial obligations such as mortgages or student support, later in life. We are also going to go through what employers will need to consider how they can best become an employer of choice for older workers and how they can retain older workers in an increasingly competitive market place.     For some organizations this will mean a significant culture change.   Consider that 25-34 is the current favorite recruitment age of employers and The Employers Forum on Age has estimated that ag eism costs the United Kingdom economy over  £26bn each year.   This article  will help you to explore the issues that affect your capacity to be an age positive employer and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Financial Results of Google Inc., Apple, and Yahoo Essay

Financial Results of Google Inc., Apple, and Yahoo - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Google Inc. revealed that in the third quarter of 2014 it generated revenues amounting to $16.5 billion. The site’s revenues were $11.2 billion, representing 68% of all the revenues. The company’s partner sites made $3.4 billion. Other revenues amounted to $1.84 billion in the last quarter of 2014. Google shares are currently valued at $528.34/ share (Google, 2014). Yahoo had a good third quarter of the year despite analysts’ projections. Revenues generated by the company amounted to $1.094 billion ex-TAC while the GAAP revenues were $1.14 billion in the same period. Mobile revenues alone were more than $200 million. Earning for each undiluted share was $0.52 per share. Currently, the market price of Yahoo shares is $49.94. The researcher’s predictions of the stock prices for the three companies may have been farfetched in the short run, however, in the long run, the prices seem plausible as the share prices are slightly below o r above the actual prices. The researcher’s projected value of Apple shares was $110; this was an inflated value compared to $103.30/share that the company closed the quarter with. This is also the case with the other two companies. The researcher’s projections for Yahoo and Google were $51 and $590 respectively. However, the two companies fell short of these projected values and instead posted $39.27 and $577.33 respectively, as of September 2014. If the author’s predictions were to be projected to two or three quarters, then they would be spot on for at least two companies. Take for example the share prices of Apple and Yahoo in this quarter ending December. Apple shares are retailing at $111.62/share while Yahoo shares are valued at $49.94. It is evident that Apple shares eclipsed my predictions by $1.62 dollars. Yahoo shares, on the other hand, did not meet the bar the author set and fell short by less than $2. However, this is not the case with Google Inc. The company’s market share value has unexpectedly dipped far below the author’s expectations.

BBA (HONS) Legal % Ethical Environment of Business Essay

BBA (HONS) Legal % Ethical Environment of Business - Essay Example Additionally, CSR-focused businesses would actively endorse the public interest by boosting community development and growth, and willingly eliminating practices that damage the public sphere, irrespective of lawfulness. CSR is the thoughtful inclusion of public responsibility into business decision-making that is the fundamental area of the business or firm, and the celebration of a triple bottom line: people, planet and profit. The word "corporate social responsibility" was coined in the late 1960s and early 1970s, after numerous multinational corporations shaped into being. The term stakeholder was also used, referring to those on whom an organization's doings and actions have an influence, to define corporate owners beyond shareholders as a consequence of a prominent book by R. Edward Freeman, Strategic management: a stakeholder approach in 1984 (Bhattacharya, Sen & Korschun, 2008). Supporters argue that businesses make more long term profits by functioning with a perspective, wh ile on the other hand, critics contend that CSR diverts from the economic role of businesses. Others debate CSR is purely an attempt at window-dressing, or an endeavour to forestall the role of governments as a regulator over powerful multinational corporations (Shumate & O’ Connor, 2010). ... ISO 26000 is the renowned international standard for CSR (presently a Draft International Standard). It is extensively recognised that CSR follows the similar philosophies but with no formal piece of legislation. As my case study, I have chosen The Walt Disney Company in order to analyse their Corporate Social Report to assess how effectively they meet their stakeholders’ needs and interests. According to The Walt Disney Company, kids as well as families are at the core of Disney. They are their most significant audience and their stimulation for new Disney entertainment as well as involvements. They incessantly attempt to delight and amaze their consumers as well as guests, and to do so in a modern and appropriate way. Parents as well as caregivers are key associates in assisting, guiding as well as shaping their methodology to entertainment for kids. Parents identify their kids best. The Walt Disney Company strives for equilibrium when evolving age-appropriate entertainment involvements. They want kids to adore their entertainment, in addition to the parents trusting them to be distributing quality content. There are four chief principles entrenched in their method of family entertainment: Promising positive growth Constructing content for kids of all ages Affiliating with parents Generating safe environments Their objective in boosting positive development is to encounter kids where they are developmentally, with age-appropriate activities that are appropriate, fun and thought-provoking to them. They aspire to carry out the best in kids by providing amusing, moving, exhilarating, exciting, astounding, delightful and enlightening entertainment experiences that they can later impart on their family and friends. Their emphasis on positive growth comes to

Article review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article review - Assignment Example Moreover, I will suggest additional research finding that would make the article more authentic, and bring some more understandings. Parker begins by describing the economic history of depression. In this period, there was high rate of economic growth, and increased consumer spending and purchasing power. He claims that economic growth was only disrupted minimally by the three recessions that took place in 1923, 1924, and 1926 (Parker, 2010, Web). Parker also claims that the policy adopted by the federal government were key in economic growth. For example in the 1920’s, the Federal Reserve used monetary policies to stabilize business cycle fluctuations (Parker, 2010, Web). Moreover, there were also high demands of America goods, as World War 1 did not affect it like other European countries. In addition, the Gold Standards were not much entrenched during this period (Parker, 2010, Web). Secondly, Parker describes the beginning of the economic anguish. He talks of the federal government failures to notice dangers leading to the great depression. He says that deflation failed to operate, as it was case in the beginning of 1920. Moreover, the European economies had recovered and Gold Standards became a mode of transaction. He also focuses on failures of the economy, and factors that might have led to this failure. He describes failures in the bank claiming that there was no deposit insurance and this led to panic. He also cites various forms of contemporary explanation on the great Depression. For this reason, various theories are highlighted such as liquidationist theory. He also describes the modern explanation based on monetary hypothesis of Friedman and Schwartz together with the nonmonetary/financial hypotheses of Bernanke and Fisher (Parker, 2010, Web). Parker claims that based on his own understanding, the non-monetary theories cannot support the theories menti oned to account the state of the economy during

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Children and Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Children and Homelessness - Essay Example For those infants that get born to a family in a state of homelessness, they may be affected by low birth weights, and this increase chance of premature death. Such a child may also fail to be immunized due to reduced healthcare access. According to Reynalds (2009), there are about 50 million children in the United States who may be said to be homeless. The author further asserts that in a majority of the states, plans that seek to cater for the plight of these homeless children appears to be quite inadequate. Homelessness has been said to come about due to a multitude of other issues that entails the abuse of drugs by a parent, alcohol, domestic violence, or even mental illness. As Raynald (2009) has noted, chances of a homeless child experiencing hunger are twice those of a child who is not faced with a similar situation. Compared to children from stable homes, their homeless counterparts have been shown to have a twelve fold likelihood of getting enrolled to foster care. Homelessness has been defined as "the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they cannot afford (pay for), or are otherwise unable (Or uninterested) to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter" (Levinson 2004). In addition, the term could also take into account individuals who often reside at a shelter for the homeless. Moreover, individual that have been housed in a given residence pending institutionalization may also be categorized as being homeless. The definition also takes into account individual that are living in a private or public place, and which has not been recognized as being "a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings" (Polakow & Cindy 2001). The Urban Development and Housing Department of the United States (HUD), has issued a definition for persons that may be considered as being "chronically homeless". According to the definition by HUD, an individual who is chronically homeless is one who may be afflicted with a condition that is disabling, has had the status of being homeless for over a period of one year, or one who has experienced that status of a homeless individual in at least four incidents for the last three years (Rollinson & Pardeck 2006). What happens when young people become homeless Young homeless children are more likely to be living apart from their parents. In an instance whereby a young child gets detached from its parents, and especially the mother the ensuing negative effects that they experience may be quite long-term this is especially critical, if the separation takes place at the formative stage of childhood development ( that is between one and five years). For the pre-school children, the status of being homeless may very well result in the developmental delays those children demonstrates. As Allen (2004) has noted, close to 75 percent of the homeless children who are below the age of five years exhibits at the very list a significant deviant developmental-wise, especially with regard to speech or impulsivity. Furthermore, homeless children have a higher likelihood of being afflicted with emotional problems. By and large, children who are homeless have a tendency to not only cry at the slightest provocation, they also papers to overreact should they

Gene Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gene Therapy - Essay Example Gene therapy uses a vector which functions to deliver DNA inside body cells after packaging. The DNA, once in the body through the vector goes into the bloodstream then into cells and finally is incorporated into a chromosome. However, naked DNA approaches have been considered too more so in the field of vaccine development. Once embedded in the patient’s system, the DNA is expressed by the cell machinery, leading to the production of therapeutic protein which corrects the patient’s condition. Emphasis lies on administering a gene that will cause a protein to be expressed and that the patient specifically needs. In addition, with the advances in knowledge of nuclease functions in humans, there have begun explorations into ways of incorporating genes that encode nucleases into chromosomes. The expressed nucleases then disrupt the genes causing the disease by ‘editing’ the chromosome (Giacca, 2010). The concept of gene therapy was first thought possible in 1972 but caution was implored especially concerning its application/ experimentation on humans. In 1990, however, Ashanti DeSilva became the first recipient of gene therapy treatment in the United States for ADA-SCID. Early skepticisms arose with several initial clinical failures with many regarding gene therapy as an over-rated procedure but successes since 2006 have seen many regain their faith in this new form of treatment. Over 2,000 recorded clinical trials have so far been performed on humans. These include successful treatment of diseases such as multiple myeloma, Parkinson’s disease, Leber’s congenital amaurosis, adrenoleukodystrophy, hemophilia, ADA-SCID, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia. With such successes, many governments and companies (especially research institutions) have continued to invest even more on gene therapy. Recently, Glybera became the first gene therapy proc edure to be embraced in Europe and the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Children and Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Children and Homelessness - Essay Example For those infants that get born to a family in a state of homelessness, they may be affected by low birth weights, and this increase chance of premature death. Such a child may also fail to be immunized due to reduced healthcare access. According to Reynalds (2009), there are about 50 million children in the United States who may be said to be homeless. The author further asserts that in a majority of the states, plans that seek to cater for the plight of these homeless children appears to be quite inadequate. Homelessness has been said to come about due to a multitude of other issues that entails the abuse of drugs by a parent, alcohol, domestic violence, or even mental illness. As Raynald (2009) has noted, chances of a homeless child experiencing hunger are twice those of a child who is not faced with a similar situation. Compared to children from stable homes, their homeless counterparts have been shown to have a twelve fold likelihood of getting enrolled to foster care. Homelessness has been defined as "the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they cannot afford (pay for), or are otherwise unable (Or uninterested) to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter" (Levinson 2004). In addition, the term could also take into account individuals who often reside at a shelter for the homeless. Moreover, individual that have been housed in a given residence pending institutionalization may also be categorized as being homeless. The definition also takes into account individual that are living in a private or public place, and which has not been recognized as being "a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings" (Polakow & Cindy 2001). The Urban Development and Housing Department of the United States (HUD), has issued a definition for persons that may be considered as being "chronically homeless". According to the definition by HUD, an individual who is chronically homeless is one who may be afflicted with a condition that is disabling, has had the status of being homeless for over a period of one year, or one who has experienced that status of a homeless individual in at least four incidents for the last three years (Rollinson & Pardeck 2006). What happens when young people become homeless Young homeless children are more likely to be living apart from their parents. In an instance whereby a young child gets detached from its parents, and especially the mother the ensuing negative effects that they experience may be quite long-term this is especially critical, if the separation takes place at the formative stage of childhood development ( that is between one and five years). For the pre-school children, the status of being homeless may very well result in the developmental delays those children demonstrates. As Allen (2004) has noted, close to 75 percent of the homeless children who are below the age of five years exhibits at the very list a significant deviant developmental-wise, especially with regard to speech or impulsivity. Furthermore, homeless children have a higher likelihood of being afflicted with emotional problems. By and large, children who are homeless have a tendency to not only cry at the slightest provocation, they also papers to overreact should they

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Barriers and Disparities in Health Care Research Paper

Barriers and Disparities in Health Care - Research Paper Example The paper â€Å"Barriers and Disparities in Health Care† investigates the numerous barriers to achieving satisfactory health care, which in turn lead to disparities and eventually result into poor healthcare. Some of the barriers currently existing in the health care provision include geographic barriers, socioeconomic and cultural barriers. Geographical barriers refer to people living in the rural parts who cannot get quality health care because of insufficient facilities in those regions. Health care facilities in the rural regions are normally understaffed because there is challenge of recruiting the health care providers to work in the rural regions. Rural populations are exposed to numerous geographic and climatic barriers which at times makes the hospitals to be located in rugged terrain which are not easily accessible. Moreover, there are lacks public transportation in the rural areas which hinders populace from receiving health care. There is also widespread poverty in rural areas than in the urban settlements. Socioeconomic factors also largely deters adequate provision of quality health care since low income households cannot afford health insurance cover and access the high cost of health care delivery. The less income families may not be able to pay for essential out of pocket charges such as deductibles and medicines even if they may afford insurance cover. Socioeconomic factors are therefore very significant in preventing adequate access to health care facilities.... Cultural beliefs about diseases and health care differ amongst different communities around the world across the world. For instance, the Western attribute of healthcare may differ from other countries health belief systems. Other people especially from Asia are always comfortable with traditional mode of treatment than the modern strong and improved medicines. Sensitivity about culture is therefore very important because any disregard of culture by a healthcare practitioner may prevent an individual from vulnerable populace from receiving quality healthcare. There is disparity in health literacy and therefore health care providers must ensure that they consider cultural considerations before for successful health care delivery (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2013). Health Care Disparity Better health outcome requires that the entire population should receive equally superior health care but this has not been the case due to numerous disparities that persist. Disparities however differ in almost every population depending on various factors. Ethnicity, culture and race are amongst the parameters that contribute to disparities in healthcare provision. Generally, these disparities can be classified into communication failure, provider discrimination and lack of preventive care (Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee, 2006). Communication between health care providers and the patients is vital in ensuring adequate provision of health care. Failure to properly communicate may result into inappropriate diagnosis and improper admission of medicines. There are some patients who cannot speak similar language as the health providers hence there may be a need of

Monday, October 14, 2019

The stock exchange of egypt

The stock exchange of egypt Country Research (Egypt)Country Research The stock exchange of Egypt is situated in Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX) is one of the oldest stock markets established in Middle East, who traced its origin from the merger of two stock exchanges in Egypt namely, Alexandria Stock Exchange which was established in 1883 and Cairo Stock Exchange established in 1903, now known as Egyptian Stock Exchange which was formerly known as Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchange (CASE). Both exchanges were very active in 1940s, and both the exchanges combined were ranked fifth in the world. The vision of Egyptian Stock Exchange is â€Å"To be a World-Class, Egypt-based exchange: which would serve best to its stakeholders in the Middle East and North Africa region.† (The Egyptian Exchange, 2010). As every stock exchange has certain values and duties, the EGX also has system of values which have a common denomination of ethics practiced with every individual whether it is customer, members, issuers, local investment communiti es, employees and regulators. The Chairman, Mr. Maged Shawky is the head of the Egyptian Stock Exchange. (The Egyptian Exchange, 2010). The exchange has trading session from 10:30am to 2:30 pm on all days except Fridays and Saturdays and holidays declared in advance by the Exchange. Measure of Activity The main performance indicator or measure of activity of Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX) is EGX30, which was previously known as CASE30 index. It includes the top 30 companies in terms of liquidity or 30 most active companies in the Egyptian Stock Exchange. The CASE 30 was started with base value of 1000 points on January 2, 1998 and was renamed to EGX 30 on March 1st, 2009. Any company to get listed or to get included in EGX30 must have a 15% free float. (The Egyptian Exchange, 2010). Trends in Egyptian Stock Exchange Egypt has a long and rich history of financial market. In late 1980s, Egypt had a sophisticated financial structure holding a mature stock exchange in both Alexandria and Cairo. (Wilson, 1995). The Egyptian Stock market has experienced several fundamental changes during major periods such as from 1888-1958, 1959-1971, 1972-1992, and 1992-present. Egyptian stock market was very mature and remarkable at earlier phases of its operation; in 1940s both the exchanges were very active. In 1959-1971 phases the stock exchange left its effective operations due to the intervention of government policies and restrictions. (MohieEldin, Sourial, 2000). After high intervention of government, there were several attempts made to improve the working and effectiveness of failing Egypt stock market which continued to stagnate. In 1990s the Egypt stock market went under significant revival of government liberalization policies and finally in 1997, major changes were made in Egypt stock market that refor med the stock market and several important steps have been taken by government to modernize the stock exchange. The Egyptian Stock Market has significantly grown by 40% per year since the 1997 reforms and in May, 2001 it reached $36.7 billion. (AMF, 2001). In the current situation of Egypt Stock market, the prices of share fell down on Monday and EGX30 index fell by 3.84 percent with the closing of stock market (AFP, 2010). With the losses on two consecutive days the Egyptian Stock Exchange rose on Tuesday with an increase of 2.1 percent in the EGX30 gaining 140 points close to 6659 and the prices of share jumped to 3.5 percent (Egypt News, 2010). Egypt Stock market History The Egyptian Stock exchange is one of the oldest stock exchange which was established in the Middle East. In early times Egypt had two stock exchanges namely Alexandria Stock exchange which was established in 1883 and then Cairo Stock exchange in 1903. The Alexandria futures market was one of the oldest market in the world. The first transaction which took place in 1885 was of cotton in Alexandrias cafà © de lEurope, which was later, named as Mohamed Ali Square. At that time Reputation was everything and timing and reliability was considered to be important if the profits were made on regular basis. There were two respected institutions which were affiliated with the International Cotton Congress. At an informal meeting in the early 1900s, the Monsieur Maurice Cattaui reminded the merchants and broker that there should be stocks exchange in Cairo same as of Alexandria. The official headquarters for Cairo stocks exchange was chosen to be the old premise of Ottoman Bank. In 1928, the Cairo stocks exchange moved into its present premise Sherifien Street. In July 1961, the two stock exchanges merged into Cairo and Alexandria stock exchange which was ranked fifth in the world in terms of market capitalization. (The Egyptian Exchange, 2010). Currency and its The official currency of the Egypt is Egyptian Pound (Geneih) usually written as L.E. Earlier Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire until the French occupation took control in 1798 and later on by British in 1801. In early 1900s the Egypt was made a British protectorate. In 1922, the Egyptian kingdom was declared and on November 14, 1936 Egypt gained its full independence. From 1958-1961, Egypt was untied with Syria, as a part of United Arab Republic. In 1834, the financial system was reformed by Mohammed Ali, setting 1 Egyptian Piastre/Qrish divisible into 40 Para and equal to 1/100 Pound. On November 14, 1985, the Gold standard was adopted and in 1898, the National Bank of Egypt started issuing Bank Notes but they were not legal until 1914. In 1961, Central Bank of Egypt took control and became the ultimate authority of issuing note and they started issuing some small denomination notes (Global Financial Data, 2010). The Egyptian Pound was pegged to the US dollar until 2000 and cent ral bank of Egypt was forced to devalue the Egyptian Pound due to several economic crisis in Egypt. From 2000-2003 the value of Egyptian Pound felt almost to 50 percent. The paper money of Egypt has two faces; an English face and an Arabic face and there are different pictures on each faces. The Arabic face has pictures of mosques in Egypt while the English side has Pharaonic scene. The coins are generally made of silver and copper and the coins have pictures of pyramids on one side and value denomination on the other side (Egyptvoyager, 2000). Banking The banking sector of Egypt is one of the well-established part of the economy and the first bank in Egypt was dated back in 1920s and expanded markedly in 1970s by their so called open door policy (AmCham Egypt, 2010). The Central Bank of Egypt is the governing body of the banking sector in Egypt, which comprises of 11 Investment banks, 24 commercial and joint venture banks, 15 branches of foreign banks and 3 specialized banks (HSBC, 2001). There has been continuous growth in the annual growth in deposits and assets. By June 2004, the ROE and ROA of Egyptian banks rose to 9.8% and 0.5% respectively. The Egyptian banking sector is improving with time and has gone various reforms in the form of MA, privatization from 1991 up to today. (AmCham Egypt, 2010). Egyptian Currency Exchange to USD The Egyptian Pound is the official currency in Egypt and its symbol is  £E. The Current conversion of Egyptian Pound to US Dollar. Mathematically, 5.50 Egyptian pound per 1 USD. (Indirect Quote) (CoinMill, 2010) 0.18 USD per 1 Egyptian pound. (Direct Quote) (CoinMill, 2010) Business Practices In the Egyptian business culture, the key to doing business well is patience. Initial contacts regarding business are very important and they often mean the difference between success and failure. Egyptians are little more concern on the part of trust and know how i.e. why they mostly do the business that they know or trust, for this reason before practicing any business in Egypt one should have a mediator or a representative who can assist in meeting and acts as go-between (CIA World Fact Book, 2007). As there is diversity in culture of every nation, there are certain Dos and Donts while practicing or starting or doing a business in Egypt which must be followed. Dos Before doing business, make appointments which should be scheduled either in written or over telephone a week before the appointment. (CIA World Fact Book, 2007). Maintaining an eye contact with the Egyptian counterpart, especially with male colleague is a sign of truth and honesty. (CIA World Fact Book, 2007). Always wait for your Egyptian business associate to initiate the greeting at first meeting. Addressing Egyptian counterparts with their title followed by their surname is deeply appreciated with pride. (CIA World Fact Book, 2007). While doing a business impeccable appearance is important. Male business visitors should wear suits with neckties on most occasion. Donts Rushing or forcing the Egyptian business counterpart while making quick decision can sometimes proves to be ineffective. (CIA World Fact Book, 2007). If, Egyptian business associate stands very close to you and talk then dont get surprised and dont try to get back as this would create a bad impression and may lead to offence. Asking detailed question about their family members is considered to be inappropriate, especially family members. (CIA World Fact Book, 2007). Avoid setting up meetings during Ramadan. Starting a business in Egypt While starting a business or a firm in Egypt, one has to go through the legal and bureaucratic hurdles. There is a certain procedure which has to be followed while registering a new company or a firm. (World Bank Group, 2010). The first and foremost step in starting a business is to obtain a legal certificate from a well-known authorized bank, which might cost EGP 300 and take up to a day to get the certificate in hand. Next step is to deposit the documents to the department of companies, which are viewed by a lawyer and a detailed invoice of all the fees is issued. Third step is to get the articles of association registered and notarize the companys contract. After the articles are registered, the authority then issues a certificate notifying the establishment of the company; this process might take up to 24 hours. Once the company gets establishment certificate, the company completes the tax registration process. Last step is to get the employees registered with the National Authority of Social Insurance. (The World Bank Group, 2010) Negotiation Practices Egyptian business people are mostly experienced in doing business and interacting with outsiders. While negotiating with these people one thing should always be kept in mind is that the people here expects the things to be done in their way. (Katz, 2008). There are some negotiating practices while doing a business in Egypt: Leveraging relationships is a key element while negotiating in Egypt and Egyptian business people never look for situations like win-win. (Katz, 2008). Pace of negotiation is slow and protracted and often negotiation decisions are made in rounds rather than at a table.(Katz, 2008) Information is not shared freely as Egyptians think sharing information can create bargaining advantages. (Katz, 2008) Egyptian businessmen are very smart at using deceptive techniques and are often use them. Sources AFP. (2010), retrieved from AmCham. (2010), American chamber of commerce in Egypt, retrieved from AMF. (2001), The database for Arab financial markets, pp. 51-55, AMF: Abu Dhabi CIA World Fact Book. (2007), retrieved from, Coin Mill. (2010), retrieved from, The Egyptian Exchange. (2010), retrieved from, The Egyptian Exchange. (2010), retrieved from, Egypt News. (2010), retrieved from, Egypt Voyager. (2000), retrieved from, Global Financial Data. (2010), retrieved from, Google Images. (2010), retrieved from, HSBC Investment Bank. (2001), Treasury and Capital Markets: Guide to Egypt Katz, L. (2008), Negotiation International Business- The Negotiators Reference Guide to 50 Countries Around the World Mohie, E. M, Sourial, M.S. (2000), Institutional Aspects, Distributional characteristics and efficiency of Egyptian securities markets; recent trends in Arab stock markets: Recent trends and performances, pp. 1-44, Cairo: AVC press World Bank Group. (2010), retrieved from, Yahoo Finance. (2010), retrieved from,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Psychological Effects of Physical Child Abuse Essay -- Long-Term Conse

Physical child abuse has grown dramatically in recent years. There are news stories about children being abused or neglected everyday. Physical abuse will cause the child to have many psychological effects throughout life. Although people might not realize, society can impact an abused child dramaticlly either positively or negatively. Even though there are many things wrong with child abuse, there are many controversies over how serious it is and how to prevent it from happening. Although there are so many controversies over child abuse, one thing for certain is that it can cause many problems psychologically either immediately or long term. Research has proven that the statistics of child abuse have risen worldwide. In the United States alone they were over 1,000 child fatalities due to child abuse in 2002(Child). In 2004, The US Department of Health and Human Services estimate that 872,000 children were determined US victims of child abuse. Approximately 17.5 percent of the maltreatment victims were physically abused(Hmurovich). Every year, there are approximately three million children that are involved in cases of child abuse. Of that, about twenty-five percent are just cases of physical abuse(Lansford). The number of abused or neglected children that are killed each year went from 798 in 1985 to 1,185 in 1996(Bean Child). Child abuse is one of the five leading cause of childhood death in the United States. Although there are so many reported cases of abuse, no one will ever know with certainty how many children have or are being abused(Mankiller). Every year, child-protection agencies receive three million referr als of child abuse or neglect involving six million children. The majority of children abused are younger tha... ... as Families Change. Daily American (Somerset, PA). Nov. 19 2007. n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Oct 2013. Hmurovich, James M., and Jane Ascroft. "Making "Cents" of Prevention." State News Vol. 49, No. 10, Nov./Dec. 2006: 32-34. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Oct 2013. Lansford, Jennifer. JAMA Network. N.p.. Web. 21 Oct 2013. Mankiller, Wima, and others. "Child Abuse." The Readers Companion to U.S. Womens History. Dec 1 1998: n.p. SIRS Isues Researcher. Web. 08 Oct 2013. McPherson, Tara. "Cries For Help a Literature Review of the Psychological Effects of Child Maltreatment." N.p.. Web 21 Oct 2013. Pledge, Deanna S. When Something Feels Wrong. Deanna Spirit. Minneapolis, 2003. Print. Schulte, Brigid. "Child Abuse Found to Alter Brain; Harm Can Last for Life.: Washington Post. 13 Sep 2013: A.3. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Oct 2013.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

What is Passover? Essay -- essays research papers fc

What is Passover? Its History and Traditions Passover is one of the oldest festivals in the world. This festival falls in spring, in the first month of the Hebrew year, called Nisan (March-April), and lasts for eight days, from the fifteenth to the twenty-third. It commemorates the release of the Israelites from Egypt and the fact that God â€Å"passed over† their houses when he sought the first-born in that land.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the Bible, the story of Passover runs as follows. A group of Hebrews known as the sons of Jacob came down from Canaan towards Egypt. They settled under a benevolent regime, where they were made slaves and set to work, building the cities of Pithum and Raamses. The pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew sons to be killed at birth. A Hebrew mother placed her infant child into a box and placed him in the Nile River, to escape the pharaoh’s decree. The Pharaoh’s daughter found this Hebrew baby, called him Moses, took him home and raised him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day, he saw a brutal attack upon a Hebrew by an Egyptian overseer; enraged by the attack Moses killed the Egyptian. Fearing to be killed for killing an Egyptian, he fled to Midian, where he married the daughter of a local priest. On one occasion while attending the sheep of his father-in-law on Mount Horeb, Moses witnessed a spectacle of a burning bush. This bush seemed some how not to consume. Wondering what was happening, he came closer to the bush and the local god Yahweh (Jehovah) told him that the Israelites were suffering, and that he had been chosen to release them from Egypt and lead them to the paradisal land, what is known now as Palestine and Syria. Moses had to introduce Jehovah to the Israelites, and after they had adopted him, he had to go to the Pharaoh and request the release of the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To show that it was indeed Jehovah, who had spoken to Moses, Moses was furnished with three magical credentials. First, his staff was turned into a serpent and then reverted to its normal shape. Second, when he placed his hand under his sleeve, it became leprous and then it recovered when he removed it. Third, he was told that if the people persisted in questioning his mission, he was to give them visible proof by turning water from the Nile into blood before their eyes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As commissioned, ... ...ortance, enabling the person to be aware of gratitude, and to widen an individual’s perspective of himself/herself in relation to his/her fellow human beings. The Feast of Freedom, called Passover, is an example of a meaningful story showing God’s intent to convey a balance between the Hebrews’ self concerns and the concerns of their enemies, as God reminds the Hebrew to pray for the fallen Egyptians army and the slain first-borns of the Egyptian families. Passover’s concept of freedom is not only a cause for celebration, but also a strong lesson in the value of how a person should conduct oneself or a group should conduct itself to other human beings. Bibliography Bulka, Reuven P. What you thought you knew about Judaism. Jason Aronson Inc. Northvale, New Jersey. 1989 Cardozo, Arlene Rossen Jewish Family Celebrations. St. Martin’s Press, New York . 1982 Fredman, Ruth Gruber The Passover Seder. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1981 Goodman, Philip The Passover Anthology. The Jewish Publication Society of America. Philadelphia. 1971 Sohn, Seock-tae The Divine Election of Israel. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1991

Friday, October 11, 2019

Absorption and Variable Costing

CHAPTER 8 ABSORPTION AND VARIABLE COSTING Learning Objectives 1. Explain the accounting treatment of fixed manufacturing overhead under absorption and variable costing. 2. Prepare an income statement under absorption costing. 3. Prepare an income statement under variable costing. 4. Reconcile reported income under absorption and variable costing. 5. Explain the implications of absorption and variable costing for cost-volume-profit analysis. 6. Evaluate absorption and variable costing. 7. Explain the rationale behind throughput costing. . Prepare an income statement under throughput costing. Chapter Overview I. Product Cost and Fixed Manufacturing Overhead A. Absorption-costing income statements B. Variable-costing income statements II. Reconciliation of Absorption- and Variable-Costing Income A. No change in inventory levels B. Increase in inventory levels C. Decrease in inventory levels III. Overall Evaluation of Absorption and Variable Costing IV. Throughput Costing Key Lecture Concepts 1. PRODUCT COST AND FIXED MANUFACTURING OVERHEAD Product, or manufacturing, costs are comprised of direct materials, direct labor, variable manufacturing overhead, and fixed manufacturing overhead. The basic difference between absorption and variable costing is the treatment of fixed manufacturing overhead. * With absorption (full) costing, all costs related to the manufacture of a good are product costs. Therefore, fixed manufacturing overhead attaches to the units being made and is carried in inventory until the product is sold. * Absorption costing results in the preparation of a traditional income statement. Absorption costing is considered GAAP and is acceptable for tax reporting. * Under variable costing, product cost is comprised solely of variable manufacturing costs. Fixed manufacturing overhead is viewed as a cost of being ready to produce, not an actual production cost (i. e. , the cost will remain constant no matter how many units are manufactured). * Fixed manufacturing overhead is treated as a period cost and expensed immediately. * The income statement highlights cost behavior and is presented in a contribution margin format. Variable costing is useful to managers, as it dovetails nicely with cost-volume-profit analysis. 2. RECONCILIATION OF ABSORPTION- AND VARIABLE-COSTING INCOME * The difference between the two approaches is the timing of when fixed manufacturing overhead is shown on the income statement: when the product is sold under absorption costing and when incurred under variable costing. * The two methods will usually produce different income figures. * No change in inventory: production = sales * Under variable costing, all fixed manufacturing overhead is expensed.With absorption costing, the period's fixed overhead flows through to cost of goods sold. * Absorption-costing net income equals variable-costing net income. * Increase in inventory: production ; sales * Under variable costing, all fixed manufacturing overhead is expensed. With absorption costing, a portion of the period's fixed overhead flows through to cost of goods sold and a portion remains on the balance sheet in inventory. * Absorption-costing net income is greater than variable-costing net income. * Decrease in inventory: sales > production Under variable costing, all fixed manufact uring overhead is expensed. With absorption costing, as units manufactured in a prior period are sold, an amount greater than the current period's fixed overhead flows through to cost of goods sold. * Absorption-costing net income is less than variable-costing net income. * The difference between absorption- and variable-costing income figures can be reconciled as follows: Income difference = Inventory change in units x Fixed overhead per unit The difference is likely to be very small over a lengthy time period.3. OVERALL EVALUATION OF ABSORPTION AND VARIABLE COSTING* Pricing decisions * Absorption-cost proponents argue that fixed manufacturing overhead is a necessary production cost. Excluding this element from the inventoried cost of a product will understate the good's cost, which is troublesome for companies that use cost-based pricing techniques. * Variable-cost proponents argue that variable cost is better for pricing decisions. Any price above a good's variable cost results i n a positive contribution margin for the company. Many firms use variable costing for internal-reporting purposes. Given that absorption costing must be employed for external financial reporting, companies can use both methods by making several simple end-of-period adjustments. 1 If a company operates in a just-in-time environment, inventories are kept very low and there will be little change in inventory from period to period. Thus, the income differences between absorption and variable costing will normally be insignificant.4. THROUGHPUT COSTING Throughput costing assigns only the unit-level spending for direct costs as the cost of products or services. * A unit-level cost is incurred every time that a unit of product is manufactured. * All costs other than the throughput cost are considered to be operating expenses of the period. * Proponents of throughput costing argue that this procedure eliminates the incentive to produce excess inventory because all non-throughput costs are e xpensed regardless of manufacturing volume.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Last Product Purchased Essay

Think for a moment about the last product you purchased. What was the product? What is the brand name of the product? How would you describe the customer for this product? What is the product’s closest brand competitor? Explain why you chose this brand rather than the competitor’s brand. How did the marketing for the product influence your purchase? The last product I purchased was my new car. It is a 2012 Chevrolet Malibu. The customer for this product would be a young adult to middle aged adult. The customer for this car wants a car that is smaller in size but one that also has plenty of room for at least 4 people. The closest brand to this car would be, in my opinion, the Pontiac G8. When I purchased my Malibu I went to test drive the G8. It was a 2011 and had only a few miles on it. It was traded in for a different car because the car was too small for the current owner. I loved the G8 and it was everything I wanted. It was only a couple thousand dollars less than the Malibu and the Malibu was brand new with only 20 miles on it. My husband is the one who really liked the Malibu and talked me into test driving it. Needless to say that is the car I choose. I chose this particular car because with the FREE extended warranty and the rebates on this car it turned out to be a cheaper car than the G8 but also a better car. Honestly the marketing on this car did not influence my opinion at all. I never thought about this specific car until at the dealership that day. When I purchased this car Chevrolet has awesome rebates and interest on their new vehicles. After my purchase I stared seeing, or paying attention, to the commercials on this car and I am positive I made the right decision. If I would have paid attention to the commercials on this car it would have been the car I chose anyway.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How does Michael Henchard Suggest Lucetta Is Shallow where does she come from?

Lucetta enters the story when Elizabeth Jane meets her at her mother's grave. Elizabeth -Jane noticed that it was a lady much more beautifully dressed than she. This mysterious woman disappears in to the distance as Elizabeth goes to confront her. Soon Elizabeth Jane meets Lucetta for the second time, she sits on the bench inside the churchyard. Lucceta asks if Michael is well. She tries to help Elizabeth in her troubles. She soon leaves after she made a proposal about Elizabeth coming to stay with her. Elizabeth accepted the offer and soon she had moved in with Lucetta. The story continues from there. Lucetta's antics begin at chapter twenty one. She begins to show us how shallow she is when she hears her servant showing a visitor into the room. Lucceta decides to put on a little show for a visitor † she flung herself onto the couch in the cymarecta curve with her arm above her brow.† She puts herself into a curved position to make her self look irresistible to any visitor who may happen to step up to her quarters. It turns out that it is Donald Farfrae and of course lucceta knows how to play him like an instrument. At first she stupidly jumps up in fright and hides behind a curtain because she is so pathetic this is already a good example to show how shallow she is, to take time to beautifully arrange herself and when it comes to it she is startled by the thought of herself being seen when that is what she really wants. She hid behind the curtain † in a freak of timidity†. She seems to have a lot of fun taking farfrae to pieces. She explains to him that he must sit down now that he is here. They start chatting and we gather that Lucetta knows a lot about men in the way that she turned a level headed business man to the colour of â€Å"modest pink†. The impression that we get from the conversation with farfrae is that she loves to play with people and she doesn't worry about the consequences. At first she is just playing with Donald, then she finds that he has seemed to get the wrong idea out of the act and has fallen in love with her. Still she plays along in the game and entices him even more with lines such as: † you are quite interesting†. From the window Lucetta sees that a young family is being torn apart because the young man is finding it hard to find a job in Casterbridge. â€Å"The girl's lips quivered† she horrified in the thought. Donald goes to impress Luccetta by giving the men jobs. We can definitely see that he is trying to impress Lucetta because this is something that he would usually do. She explains after that† Lovers ought not to be parted like that. Donald quite agrees and then leaves because he has important work to carry out.

The Reasons for Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Reasons for Success - Essay Example Being competitive means satisfying all the requirements needed to achieve the outcome desired, however the actual achievement may depend on the level of competitiveness. Competitiveness is one of the measures of eligibility rather than being an inevitable element of success in all situations. As defined earlier, success is about achievement of the set goals. It could be relating to business, family, job, way of living life, studies etc. There are of course some areas when a person needs to be competitive for having achievement of what he wishes to achieve such as some exams of competitive nature. However, no one is born as competitive. One can develop the required competency with continuous hard work, confidence, perseverance and belief in self. There are even times when competitive people lose out and "luck" factor plays a key role. Hence, "fortune" is one factor which can even cause impediments in the way of competitive people. Success really depends on what one is searching for in his life. If you are a chain smoker for about 20 years and you are really struggling to remove this habit of smoking and you are able to achieve this, it would be termed as success. One does not need to be competitive for this.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Wenxuecity. Chinese immigrants on-line community. Ethnical issues Dissertation

Wenxuecity. Chinese immigrants on-line community. Ethnical issues - Dissertation Example They were sent an invitation to participate in the study further through an interactive interview conducted through emails or instant messaging platforms of their choice. They were also asked the following questions in order to qualify them for the second criterion – that traditional media does not play a significant role in his daily life (Appendix B). Based on the responses to these questions, I selected twenty users who display the second criterion the most. That is, they exhibit interest in getting the latest updates about China, and the Chinese people and culture at large, and that they do not get this information from traditional media. Furthermore, they exhibit knowledge about the fifth question’s subject matter, not only through their actual subscriptions and affiliations, but through their expression of interest to get connected and develop deeper understanding. After twenty users were selected based on the criteria mentioned above, I proceeded to schedule the interactive interviews. These happened within a period of one month since the questions were sent one after another, the succeeding question mainly based on the previous answer. I also allowed the respondent during the time to deliver a meaningful personal account of experiences, and the flexibility to do it at his or her own pace. Data Analysis The method of analyzing data is to analyze the transcripts to discern patterns of responses. The patterns are ascertained by examining a series of coded utterances, with an eye towards data which fit the overall themes of the research at hand. What I found was that the respondents used the website for a variety of reasons, therefore the challenge was to ascertain under what theme the reasons fit. For instance, a common response from Respondents was that... Each of the members of the group stated that they felt the need to connect with other Chinese people, because they felt out of place in the current society, in one way or another. Under this theme were several sub-themes. One sub-theme was that the Chinese in this survey felt that they needed to bond with one another because they felt somehow at odds with American culture. Therefore, the question regarding this sub-theme is why do the Chinese feel at odds with American culture, and how does Wenxuecity help in combating these feelings? Another sub-theme was that Wenxuecity helps the Respondents is how does Wenxuecity help with this feeling of connectedness with their Chinese family and friends? These sub-themes are explored below. Feelings of disconnection with the larger culture, and how the Wenxuecity helps the Respondents feel connected to one another. One of the major themes which emerged is that the Respondents felt that they were not a part of the dominant culture, and they needed to feel a sense of connectedness with others, so this site is their way of feeling that they are a part of a community. Some of the Resondents, as, for instance, A, C, G, S, and T, state that they currently have friends who are American, along with those who are Chinese, yet they do not entirely relate to their American friends. G states that his American friends simply do not â€Å"get it† - in other words, they do not get what it means to be Chinese. There are different values, beliefs and backgrounds that the Respondents have from their American cohorts and friends, and that is simply something that cannot be bridged. The respondents state that they feel out of place in the dominant culture, despite the fact that some of the respondents have been here in American for many years.